Saturday, August 31, 2019

Behavorial Traps

Behavioral Traps There are five behavioral traps. Those five behavioral traps are: time delay, investment, deterioration, ignorance and collective. We fall into some of these traps easily and on a daily bases, while some of us find that they are also easily avoided. The trap that you fall into really only depends on you. I would like to define and give an example of each of the behavioral traps, before I discuss which I think is the easiest to fall for and the easiest to avoid. Time delay is momentary gratification that clashes with long term consequences (short term vs. ong term). An example is finding it hard to diet or exercise regularly (Plous, 1993). The ignorance trap is the negative behavior which are not understood or seen at the outset. An example would be: People, who smoked in the 19th Century, they didn’t realize that smoking led to lung cancer and if the information would have been available, many would never have begun to smoke in the first place (Plous, 1993). T he collective trap involves more than one party. The example for this one is rush hour traffic. Here everyone prefers to drive at the same time, taking their own self interest into play and letting everyone suffer (Plous, 1993). The investment trap occurs when prior expenditures of time, money or other resources lead people to make choices they normally wouldn’t make. An example would be investing money on something to help out the community only to find out at 90% done that another company is doing the same thing but theirs is better, debating on whether to finish the other 10% or not (Plous, 1993). Deterioration trap is similar to the investment trap but the cost and affect occur over time. An example for this trap is a heroin addict. You do it to get that great feeling but then your body becomes tolerant to the drug and you then up the dose to get that same great feeling, and then you’d rather take the drug to avoid withdrawal symptoms. So what started as a pleasurable feeling ends up in a nightmare of dependence (Plous, 1993). Those are the five behavioral traps, I studied and read because to a point they all are easy to fall into, but one that I know I have troubles with and that most people have fall easily to is the time delay trap. How many of us have tried diet after diet and exercise after exercise and end up not sticking to the plan. That’s what the time delay trap does to you. â€Å"Any situation in which short term consequences run counter to long term consequences can turn into a time delay trap† (Plous, 1993). Another example of the time delay trap could be the apples in the Garden of Eden, because the apple is regarded as bait and is the ultimate temptation with its entrapping consequences (Plous, 1993). As you look at the definitions in the earlier paragraph you might think that there really isn’t one that is easily avoided, but I believe that the deterioration is that one. I believe this because this trap takes time to occur/fall into, while with the other traps they seem more likely easier to fall for. The reason deterioration take more time than the others is because it produces behavior that may seem absurd or self-destructive to others whom haven’t seen the situation evolve. (Plous, 1993). Just like the heroin addiction, your body eventually gets use to all the things you are doing and you think you need more because you aren’t getting the same affect. So over time your body takes a beating and starts to be self destructive and so on. For the time delay trap the person wants to exercise and/or diet, but something keeps stopping you. The long term consequences for not exercising and/or dieting could result in health problems and obesity. I just happen to be one of those people. For months I have been planning to exercise more, but I always end up finding an excuse not to and then it only leads to me now being healthy or losing the weight that I have put on in the mean time. The thing that is striking about the time delay trap is that relative is that you end up with small pains and pleasures in the short run, will produce behavior that is devastating maybe even lethal in the long run. (Plous, 1993). Like for example smoking, it’s a short term pleasure but in the long run you can get cancer. We never really think that the things we do/ could be considered as a trap. We just go on day by day either eventually doing something about what we have been putting up with or just deal with the long term consequence. Which traps we find easy to fall for or to avoid really depend on you, we all have different weak points in our mind and bodies. We think about the things that we put into our bodies, but do we really think about the long term effects? References Plous, S. (1993). The Psychology of Judgment and Decision Making. McGraw-Hill: New York, NY.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Vegan vs Vegetarian

Vegan And Vegetarian Being a vegan in many ways could help the world from suffering the hunger and many more issue such as the global warming, because veganism ideology doesn’t to use even an animal product and not to eat all kind of meat. But sometimes, a vegan mostly becomes an activist of the animal rights, and even worse a vegan sometimes can become very fanatic, for example some of them won’t come to movies which contain an animal in the play, because they know that the animal was being pushed to do the exact scenario.While being a vegetarian is consuming non-meat food, but still can consume any dairy product, such as milks and eggs. And being a vegetarian is only a belief for some people who usually become a vegetarian for some primary target, sometimes it could be to be healthy or for diets only, because based on the research, being a vegetarian is the healthiest diets ever after being a vegan which is healthier. Since being a vegan is more difficult than being a vegetarian, and then I myself assume that most of vegan people must be started from being a vegetarian.So being a vegan is a higher class above a vegetarian, it’s like being a vegan is taking a next step from being a vegetarian, but still there are many people who does be a vegan immediately, means they don’t start from being a vegetarian. In addition, if every people in the world is being vegans, then the world would never suffering the hunger and the stocks of the food can be multiplied by 3, because the food that we used to raised dairy animal isn’t equal to the result of the meat.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Religion a tool of oppression Essay

Religion is an important aspect of life; it influences a high proportion of many things. The odd part is that many people are not actually clear on what a religion is. There are several key aspects that make something a religion although the exact details can vary. In reality there is no firm agreement on just what a religion is. Religion is defined by the online dictionary as‘a set of beliefs concerning the cause, nature, and purpose of the universe, especially when considered as the creation of a superhuman agency or agencies, usually involving devotional and ritual observances, and often containing a moral code governing the conduct of human affairs’, ‘The body of persons adhering to a particular set of beliefs’. Religion is a belief system that uses symbols to allow people to explore their spirituality. Religions usually rely on narratives and symbols that are used to offer a meaning to life or to explain things like who or how the universe was created. In addition most religions have an ethical component that teaches people how they are expected to live. There is a lot of variation within this as can be seen by the number of religions that exist in the world. In fact there is no firm agreement about what constitutes a religion and what does not. One aspect of religion that applies in all cases is that it is a public process. Having a personal belief system does not make it a religion. By definition a religion is an organized activity that involves other people. Most religions have a hierarchical system for example with priests and bishops and so on but this is not required. Most religions also have a specific place of worship and there are usually sermons, festivals and many other activities that are part of the process. None of this is strictly required; the only requirement is that the religion be a belief system that is held by a group of people who publicly share that religion. However in practice the vast majority of religions have some aspect of these things. A lot of religions have been established in drastically different ways with the differences largely being cultural. The largest difference in most cases is that some religions put the importance on belief whiles others put the emphasis on practice. Basically this means that in some cases the most important thing is that you believe the doctrines of the religion while in other cases it is more important what you do than that you actually believe what is being taught. It’s a known fact that religion is used to emphasise the importance of peace and harmony between individuals for example some of the laws made by the government is influenced by Christianity’s ’10 Commandment’. All Religions teach parents how to train or discipline their children, how to overcome certain obstacles and also what to and what not to do, religion does these things by promising a reward and punishments in the afterlife, paradise for the righteous followers and condemnationfor the people which disobey Discussion However, religion is criticised of being a tool of oppression, a sociologist, Karl Marx famously stated that â€Å"Religion is the opiate of the people† that statement clearly shows that he’s thought that religion was a lie by the ruling powers for example, the kings presidents etc., to keep their subjects submissive and obedient, and to give them hope for the next life so they would not revolt in this life. Also, another Marxists sociologist, Louis Althusser, brought forth the idea that religion serves the society by being the ideological state apparatuses, this basically means that the higher class rule over the working class by controlling people’s ideas, values and beliefs. This means that the higher class just brought forth religion as a way to control the massed that all their hard work will be rewarded in the next life or will be punished if they try to rebel the higher class’s control over them. The medieval theology presented the culture of the time a concept called ‘the divine right of kings’ this therefore basically means that whatever the king said were directly from God and should be treated as the decisions of God. This was just the latest of manifestation of the tendency of ancient dictators to place themselves as identical with God, as the Roman Emperors would do, having the citizens bow in worship of them. In actual fact, history swarms with examples of power starved governments and individuals using God, gods and religion as a mean of justification for their thoughtless and self-aggrandizing use of political power. So then, is religions especially precisely the Christian faith, then, simply another scheme imposed upon the masses to keep them obedient to the law of the land, no matter how unfair the law may be to stop them retaliating? A quote from the Bible, Hebrew 11:1 states that ‘To have faith is to be sure of the things we hope for, to be certain of the things we cannot see’if this passage is clearly and carefully looked at with the thought of it being used by the government or higher ruling classes as a tool of oppression, then it’s clear that this is used as a reassurance to its followers not to doubt the passages in the book and have faith that all the deceit they are exposed to is for their own good. In the Bible, the passage Matthew 10, talks about Jesus sending out his disciples out into the world, instructing them to preach his gospel no matter what the subsequences may be as well as warning them of the resistance and acts of hatred they will encounter just because of their message, Jesus says‘ Think not that I have come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword. For I have come to set a man at variance against his father, and the daughter against her mother, and the daughter in law against her mother in law. And a man’s foes shall be they of his own household’ When the disciples went forth and began to teach, they were arrested repeatedly. At one court hearing they were asked if they had not understood that they were not allowed to teach the Gospel of Jesus, to which they replied, â€Å"We ought to obey God rather than men.†So therefore the real question is has religion been used as a tool for governments and authorities to control the masses? Absolutely. However, there is one element found in all such religions that is conspicuously absent in proper Christianity. That is the idea that true religion consists of obeying a set of laws in order to gain eternal reward.In ancient Egypt the deceased are judged by their deeds in life, their souls being weighed against a feather. If the soul is not weighed down with wickedness, they pass into the realm of the gods. In modern day Islam there is a similar belief where Allah judges the dead, weighing their adherence to the laws set forth in the Quran against their evil deeds. If Allah deems that the person’s obedience was greater than their disobedience, they pass into paradise.Even in Roman Catholicism, a person must constantly confess and make amends for their evil, following the various rituals of the Church in order to gain salvation. When a religion forces constant performance from its followers, promising the highest reward for obedience and the most monstrouspenalties for failure to execute, that religion has a controlling effect that cannot be overstated. The followers of the religion become absolute slaves to the performance demanded by their faith. There is also a strong tendency to hypocrisy in such religions, since the followers tend to overestimate their own righteous performance while looking down on others. Proper Christianity, however, is no such faith. While every other religion offers only enslavement to law, Christianity offers freedom from law and laws. This is why Christians have always obeyed a power that transcends government, often to the violation of those governments. Because those who must follow laws in order to obtain God’s favour come to resent those laws, but those who are freely forgiven and adopted have a loyalty that surpasses compulsory obedience. They have a loyalty to God that stems from bottomless gratitude On the other hand religion is not all gloom and doom, religion is inevitable in our day to day life. Religion is an important part of life for many people. Even people who are not all that religious by nature consider it to be important. The question is why do they feel this way? The reason is largely down to the belief that society needs religion. As a society we benefit from our collective religious beliefs. In fact there are many people who would argue that we could not function without religion. The biggest reason that society needs religion is to regulate behaviour. Most of the laws that we follow today have their basis in religious teachings. There is considerable debate as to whether or not religion is required to make us good people but what is beyond dispute is that the rules for what is acceptable for society are largely based on religion. Without religion we would almost certainly live in a different type of society, it can be debated whether it would be better or worse but it would certainly be different. Since a major change like that would be impractical it is important that we maintain religion. The other big reason that society needs religion is that it teaches self-sufficiency. Virtually all religions that teach that you are responsible for taking care of yourself. While they all support the idea of charity, none of them teach that accepting charity should be desirable. This has helped to encourage the work ethic that is needed to make society successful. Therefore it is important that people continue to desire to do the work that is necessary. Society is largely based on the idea of cooperation. This can be a bit of a tricky issue since as humans we are selfish by nature. There is an obvious problem here; we need to work together to be successful but for the most part we can benefit personally by being selfish. Religion has proven to be an effective way to get around this problem. Religion teaches that we should work together and help each other and it discourages the kind of selfish behaviour that would make a functioning society impossible. Certainly there are selfish people who are willing to take advantage of others for their own benefit. However the fact that the people who do this are in the minority is largely down to religion.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Aspect of contarct Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Aspect of contarct - Assignment Example xlvii). Initially there had been no differentiation between these branches of the law. At present, crime and tortious liability are intimately connected. These branches of the law address the wrongs done to people and property. Proceeding in contract or tort could arise from the same incident (Hodgson & Lewthwaite, 2007, p. xlviii). The law of tort is inapplicable to a civil injury that is merely a breach of trust or other equitable obligation. Nevertheless, injunctions and other equitable remedies could be available in tort. With regard to tort, the remedial duty emerges from some form of a primary duty (Hodgson & Lewthwaite, 2007, p. xlviii). There is considerable controversy regarding a certain aspect of bailment. Specifically it is contended by some that bailment is a component of the law of personal property, while others argue that it belongs to the law of tort. It has been suggested by Winfield that an action in bailment is similar to an action in contract if it ensues from a contract, and that it pertains to an action in tort in all other cases (Hodgson & Lewthwaite, 2007, p. xlix). The association between damages in tort and compensation through other mechanisms is intricate. Some instances of these other systems are; Income Support, occupational sick pay and pensions, private insurance, and compensation related to criminal injuries (Hodgson & Lewthwaite, 2007, p. xlix). ... 339). Some of the differences between tort and contract are; first, tortious duties are imposed by the law, whereas contractual duties result from agreements between the parties. Second, contractual duties are owed solely to those who are a party to the contract; whilst tortious duties are owed to persons, in general (Halsbury's Laws of Australia, 2008). Third, usually the right to sue in tort cannot be assigned. However, a cause of action in contract can be assigned. Fifth, there is a marked difference between tort and contract with regard to calculation of damages, variety of damages available, purpose of the award of damages, test of remoteness, extent of foreseeability, liability with regard to minors and bankrupt entities, and the commencement of the limitation period (Halsbury's Laws of Australia, 2008). Question Two Tortious Negligence. Several civil wrongs are covered by the law of torts, wherein a remedy, could be awarded by a civil court to the injured person. In general, s uccess in tortious claims requires the claimant to establish that the damage was the result of the tortious omission or act. The law provides a number of defences to an action in tort. A few of these are classified as general defences, as they apply throughout the law of torts. The other defences have been termed as specific defences, due to the fact that they can be employed only with respect to a particular tort (Jones, 2011, p. 339). One of the major torts is that of negligence, on account of the fact that it encompasses a vast array of situations, wherein harm is caused to a person by another. An action for negligence requires the following elements to be established by the claimant, if it is to succeed. These are; first, the

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Electronic Monitoring and Employee Productivity Assignment

Electronic Monitoring and Employee Productivity - Assignment Example Most employees are subjected to monitoring that includes office and cubicle searches, video surveillance, electronic mail monitoring and health and psychological screening (Schumacher, 2011, pp 138-144). The current trends in electronic monitoring especially in the 21st century have increased at an alarming rate. The latest monitoring trends include the use of video cameras, email monitoring and telephone recordings among others. The monitoring has moved to network forensic monitoring software that is currently in use to mine emails for keywords and security breaches (Schumacher, 2011, pp 138-144). Most managers say that without monitoring employee activities it is difficult to achieve productivity especially in this era of social networking. The rise of the internet compounded by the development of the smart phones have made it difficult for employees to stick to work and therefore contributing to decreased productivity. This may not be true considering some of the theories that hav e been propagated about employees and productivity (Schumacher, 2011, pp 138-144). McGregor’s theory X and Y help us understand the positive and the negative aspects of employing electronic monitoring at the workplace.... Tailor says that employees should do what managers tell them to do and the managers tell the employees what to do in order to be paid accordingly. This theory has been used to support electronic monitoring so as to achieve productivity and pay employees what they are entitled to depending on what they have done (Bolden, Gosling, A, & Dennison, 2003, pp 6-50). Therefore employee monitoring can be seen as both positive and negative in many aspects. Implementing the electronic surveillance will mean that employees are under tight control from the management and therefore they may end up being less productivity as McGregor puts it. On the other hand the productivity might increase because when they are monitored, the time they are not productive is subtracted from the total time. This means that by the end of the day their wages will be reduced. The reduction will make them leave the activities that make them less productive so as to increase their wages (Schumacher, 2011, pp 138-144). E mployee monitoring has been criticized by a number of people because it infringes on the rights of both the customer and the employee. It is not the best form of management as it increases stress, decreases job satisfaction, cultivates a culture of mistrust and negative work relationships and therefore it is not. To some level there are key ethical considerations that encourage employee electronic monitoring and these include security as concerns a company’s information such as trade secrets or restricted places, productivity as in employees have to be at the right place at the right time and doing the right things at the right time, reputation as employers do not want company information such as logos to be found at the wrong place that may cause them

Information Systems for JP Morgan Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Information Systems for JP Morgan - Case Study Example Their experiences with outsourcing have been bitter and they are on the lookup for better strategies for managing their IT infrastructure. In addition to that, backsourcing did not do much good. It stirred dissatisfaction among employees and senior management. Information strategy for any organisation is purely based on their requirements to manage business and envelope operations into a system which would in turn effectively manage their resources and yield not only profits in the long run but satisfaction to its employees and customers. (Laudon, 2002) The detailed company analysis of the issues it is facing has been discussed vividly. The employees have been mismanaged and to a great extent their morale and satisfaction has eroded in the process of outsourcing and backsourcing. A close study of the information systems strategy has been made and various methods have been evaluated for the betterment of the firm. The success of the IT strategy would be among the employees or users of the system as they are the people who live with the technology for getting the job done. Finally, evaluation of the new proposed information systems strategy is done so that the degree of its effectiveness is measured for further implementation. The satisfaction level of its employees is the first priority. It had already battered lot of its wealth in outsourcing and suffered massive losses through backsourcing. Business decisions relating to forming a new IT strategy would evaluate thoroughly the probabilities of the proposed solution and its derivability which has been covered in detail in this report. Primary Analysis of the case JP Morgan Chase's decision to outsource did not help. There IS strategy for outsourcing was meant to address the following problems: 1. Economy: IBM stood as a specialist in the IT infrastructure services and trusting them to manage their business operations would mean a good business decision. 2. Service Quality: This was the primary and the most important reason for which JP Morgan Chase wanted their business operations to be taken care by the service provider company. It wanted to position itself better in various markets. The above factors accounted for a greater share of interest for which JP Morgan Chase wanted to go for outsourcing. But finally it did not work. It faced losses not only on the monetary front but also towards the human resources. The various problems faced by the firm can be summarized as follows: All the dangers of placing the information systems functions outside the organization were possible noted for the firm. 1. Loss of control: This was pretty much evident that some employees were transferred on IBM's payroll and were not satisfied. It

Monday, August 26, 2019

Take two states and compare their juvenile justice systems Research Paper

Take two states and compare their juvenile justice systems - Research Paper Example When they enter the system it’s a totally new ballgame for them. They come in proximity of those adults who have already committed crime. This can exert a negative effect on the young. Juvenile justice system has also criticized on the grounds of less interactive, lack of respect for the defaulter, lack of inputs which could persuade or give a fair chance to the defaulter to correct his or her fault encouraging them to take a right course of action (Glass, 2012, pp. 1-5). Juvenile justice, as mentioned, varies from state to state and each state has its own jurisdiction for such system. It has been said by the authors that the juvenile justice system in California is not racially neutral. This was one of the worst drawbacks which the California juvenile justice system suffered. The decision points suffered from the effect of race. The authors emphasized that, â€Å"Minority youth are more likely than the majority youth to become involved in the system†. There were severa l issues that needed to be directed based on this system. In comparison with the adult criminal justice, the juvenile justice lacked supervision and review. On the contrary it had also been found that in the juvenile justice system there had been cases which witnessed no disparity amongst the young defaulter. But when inequalities prevailed it involved either large differentiation at some point of stage in the system or else followed a sequence of accumulations of comparatively minor divergences in processing with a moderately hefty net effect. Moreover the system prevailed in California was volatile in nature which allowed the disparity in the system. The system lacked an analytical model which desirably would simplify the problems existed within the system (Pope & William, July 1995, pp. 1-15). However in the light of the above mentioned critic, the juvenile justice system in California was subjected to some recommendation which, if implemented, would help it to become a system wi th more fluidity. It lacked a systematic monitoring which if developed would facilitate the processing at each stage of the juvenile justice. Introduction of research program was suggested. Consideration in training and development of the staffs of the system was highly suggested which would make improvement in dealing with minor offenders. Critical examination at local stages, if implemented, would lower the gap between the minority and majority youth. Restructuring of laws in the juvenile justice was advised where problems of inequalities prevailed. Workshop for the youth psychoanalysis might help them to come out of mental disorder if any. The jurisdiction itself was suggested to be strengthened enough to carefully evaluate the decision making at every stage and should make a note of the thing that their dealings were with the minors with an derailed mindset, but not with the criminals (Pope & William, July 1995, pp. 19-20). In this contrast author Muncie, 2008, said, â€Å"Juve nile justice systems throughout America now give greater weight to punishment as an end in itself† (Muncie, 2008, pp. 3). A comparative analysis can be done by comparing the juvenile justice laws prevailing in Florida. In contrast with California juvenile justice law the Florida law was less flexible and followed extreme consequences. In many cases it was noted that the victims were tried in adult court and received imprisonment for life. The psychoanalysis part was not at all strengthened in the Florida law, rather

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Dealing with Low Demand and Void Properties Essay

Dealing with Low Demand and Void Properties - Essay Example Controlling antisocial behaviors should also be priority for the management of void property. Many properties have been void for over five months, and the duration is likely to increase. Managing the void properties is a task that the landlords should take and improve the performance of the homes (Kennedy and Dugan, 2004, 6). Low demand properties are those that are often rejected by willing customers. A low demand property is characterized by a small waiting list; the property being refused for weighty reasons by potential tenants and elevated rates of occupancy earnings for other property in the area. An outdated design and poor location can result to a property becoming a low demand property (Empty Homes, 2004, 4). A large number of void properties exist in the urban settings. For example, in UK, there exist 860,000 void homes (Bramley, Pawson and Third, 2000). The reasons why these houses become empty are because of low educational status, high unemployment rate, reduced life expectancy and antisocial behavior. Whenever there are large numbers of void homes in a place, then it is the task of the property-owner and the community to determine how they will solve the problem. Emphasis is put on dealing with void properties by satisfying the problem of low supply, elevated prices and unsuitable housing and also low demand. There is the significance of maximizing the utilization of housing stock in areas where the demand is high (Hiscocks, Lee and Shelter Cymru, 2009, 5). However, in areas where demand is low, it is critical to understand the causes of the low demand. The allocation policies are a sustainable way of dealing with low demand. Social issues are usually visible in these areas and are identifiable by the deprived physical environment and void properties. Void properties usually attract different antisocial behaviors such as vandalism, arson and fly

Saturday, August 24, 2019

French press scandal media Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

French press scandal media - Essay Example For example, in early October of this year Sarkozy was featured on front news pages as having suffered a migraine that prevented him from attending his weekly ministerial meeting with rival de Villepin. A story of such a personal nature would likely not have been run prior to 2002, when he was first appointed interior minister. There are certain laws and restrictions that govern the French press and ensure protection of individuals. "The free communication of thoughts and opinions is one of the most precious human rights: hence every citizen may speak, write, print with freedom, but shall be responsible for such abuses of this freedom as shall be determined by Law." Freedom of speech, thus defined by Article 11 of the 1789 Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen has achieved universal scope worldwide. The article inspired the Universal Declaration of Human Rights adopted by the United Nations on 10 December 1948 (Art. 19) and the European Convention on Human Rights adopted on 4 November 1950 (Art. 10). In France, the State guarantees press freedom and safeguards media independence by ensuring the diversity of opinion and pluralism of news and information. The law prevents excessive media concentration by prohibiting any one media group from controlling more than 30% of the daily press. The Act of 29 July 1881 on freedom of the press provides a framework for press freedom by setting restrictions designed to strike a balance between freedom of expression, protection of citizens and maintaining law and order. In 1984, the Constitutional Council acknowledged the constitutional value of press freedom and its necessary role in a democracy. Protection of individuals The law protects minors from written material and illustrations in which they can be identified. It prohibits licentious and violent publications which target minors. The law punishes slander and defamation: "Any offensive expression, contemptuous term or invective, not based on fact, constitutes slander. Any allegation or imputation of an act which dishonours or damages the reputation of the person or entity against whom it is made constitutes defamation". (Article 29, Act of 29 July 1881). Audiovisual media Article 1 of the Act of 30 September 1986 (amended) on Freedom of Communication states that "this freedom may be limited only, to the extent required, for the respect of human dignity, freedom and property of other people, the pluralistic nature of the expression of ideas and opinions and, for the protection of children and adolescents, safeguarding of law and order, for national defense, public service reasons ()." REASONS FOR AND AGAINST IMPOSITION OF A NEW LAW There are reasons why the Government should impose a new law that limits the intrusion of the press taking into consideration people's personal lives/ affairs and problems. First, the information intended to be published by the media should be subjected to scrutiny to ensure there is no contravention of the law leading to defamation or erosion of character of the party involved. Another reason is that as in the Sarkozy's case, the media have not been so sure

Friday, August 23, 2019

Forecast analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Forecast analysis - Essay Example Therefore, using the finding for Merica 1, these parameters are tightly fitted to the regression line, besides; the relationship is positive and strongly related. For that reason, in every real GDP forecasted, time and average price are strongly and positively affecting the real GDP and vice-versa. The adjusted R2showed the total variability accounted by the model. This refers to the proportion of finding the variables that the model would account for, or the proportion the model can explain. For Merica 1, the adjusted R2 was 0.99996. The value indicated that a significant percentage of the variables could b explained by the model (99.996%). The coefficient of determinant or estimate is defined as the rate at which conditional means change. Average price reported the highest changes in the conditional mean compared to other variables. However, time and real GDP reported negative value. Negative coefficient of determinants shows that the expected forecast of the dependent variable would be below zero when the independent or predictor variables were set at zero. The finding from this model indicates the presence of statistical significance linear dependency of the means for time, real GDP and average price. The standard errors are inferential statistics obtained by dividing standard deviation by the square root of the sample population. Therefore, the larger the error, the smaller the sample size, it is an estimate of the association between the sample population and the standard deviation. Real GDP reported the lowest standard error as opposed to the average price that had the highest error (smallest sample size). During the financial year 5, there was a sustained increase in the industry sales from 527000 units in the first quarter to 595000 in the second quarter for both Merica 1 and Merica 2. The value reduced to 550000 units in the third quarter but later increased to 719000units in the last quarter for both. The

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Technology at Work Essay Example for Free

Technology at Work Essay The World Wide and Computers GSP and Smart cell phones New way Transportation Introduction Technology is has made the world we live in today. It helps us move faster with the car we drive, and keeps us safe with new air bags or better seat belt. Technology is simple as a computer helping us type a research paper, to doing the research at home with the help of Internet. We are always inventing something better to improve our life, the invention of the cell phone made commutation better and faster. With new ways of getting to work in new safer, bigger and fast subways or buses, making it easier to get to work. We seem to do our day and not think of how lucky we are to be in this time. Health care to farming use technology from ordering supplies to gathering the crops, everyone have benefit from all these advancement. Technology at work Technology has always been made to improve and longer our lives. Technology affects our lives in good ways and bad from telling us what time it is to waking us in morning for work with a forecast of the day’s weather. Yet sometimes it lets us down breaking down on us when we need it the most or overheating and been unreliable to us. Today’s technology seems to be improving our lives every day and in every way impossible, with faster safer cars to new apps in our phones to check our bank account or where our loves are. With every new week new technology comes out, for example better bigger faster cell phones that have TV on it. Each week companies are working with new better technology to stay in reach of each other; from manager to manger or to employee. They use these tools to produce or work faster and safer. In this ever changing world and economy technology advancements are always improving before our eyes every day. Within the past five years cell phones, computers, cars and the internet have taken a big leap moving faster, become larger and doing much more then places a call or taking us to our destination. Technology has improve our daily lives in many ways without us been noticing. Yet the work place has had one of the biggest impacts, yet employees don’t feel or notice the impact it has had on them. With new cell phones, computers, and faster internet information travels faster than lighting these days. Also with new advancement in transportation of martials, supplies, and people can be done more efficiently in short time while saving on gas cost. These new technology advancement companies can save time and money. All these new advancement helps companies send, share, and acquire information within seconds. People and companies commute with each other with emails, text or a video chat. Information can travel faster than anyone could of image; the world doesn’t feel as big as before. A larger of implication is in the way companies and people conduct business these days. Now people can commute fast or shop online without leave our sits or their office. The World Wide and Computers Information travels faster than the speed of light in today’s world. Information is been sent from person to person in a blink of eye from blackberries to Iphones to emails making the world smaller thanks to communication technology . During work I wonder how hard work would be without our technology. Every company in the world use computers and the internet to store and send information, no more use store units and sending letters thru the mails. Thanks to the Internet Companies can store important files; send emails, orders supplies and materials thru the web. For century companies have try to commute and pass news to shareholders to employees. With computers companies can type a letter without use paper or ink and with the internet they can send to everyone in the companies thru email. News and important information’s can be sent out quicker thru the company. Instead of mailing letters companies are sending out emails. Thanks to the internet commutations seems a lot easier than before with emails, people can receive emails on their smart phones now and they response right way. With the new technology such emails and cell phones communication is made easier for employers and employees. Technology helps company run their business faster, safer, more money efficiently and at a lower cost. Adding technology-based tools to a work place increases safety it will also help increase organizational efficiencies. Computers and internet ensure data accuracy, improve workflow management, and reduce the total cost of incidents or the loss of information. Companies have always invented things to improve their production with a lower cost. The Invention of the internet has made to improve our work lives and make work easier to. The internet lets companies share, gather information quicker and cheaper. One example of computers and internets at work would be my job, working at hotel computers has made storing and gathering information’s quicker. When a guest walks in the front desk only needs his last name and they can look him up. The computers let the people in the front how long the guest is stay to what kind of room he would like. In an article â€Å"How Have Computers Helped the Workplace? † By Ann Dietrich, eHow Contributor† he tells â€Å"Many businesses now keep their client records and buying histories in databases for quick retrieval and review†. From hotels to retail use this technology this data helps company improve their service to making product in which customer would like. The internet today seems to change the way commute with each other in the past decade or so. We went from writing letters to each other to calling each other thru the phone to text and email or social network. The internet has transformed the way we communicate, in part due to the advent of the computer. Instead of mailing letters, were writing e-mails through Gmail or Hotmail. In â€Å"Workplace e-mail and Internet use: employees and employers beware â€Å"by Charles J. Muhl† he writes â€Å"The widespread use of the Internet and e-mail has transformed the way business is conducted in the typical American workplace. Written communication to almost anyone in the world now can be completed nearly instantaneously; information about any subject encountered in a daily job task can be retrieved in seconds from the Internet through multiple search engines. These technological developments have benefited employers and employees alike—employers in accomplishing business goals and employees in performing their duties. While I worked at Lowes I was showed that with click of a bottom managers can check on their employees and see how the work is coming along thru a computer at work or at his house. The World Wide Web has made it easier for people and companies to reach each other gather store and share data from customer to employee making communication a lot faster. E-mails are great of commutation because easy and are free companies and people save money sending emails instead of letters. You don’t have to send out mail and buy stamps use paper and ink. Although is a bit less formal. With a good follow-up e-mail companies can provide awesome customer service as well. With the use of a computer and internet Company’s e can make orders online without going to the store. As companies look for ways to cut down on spending money, the internet has been their biggest money saver. Companies can send emails, track orders, stored information, and download information in second. Companies and customers have befitted from technology, mangers can send emails, process reports and stats of their process or check on their phone on an order of materials or supplies which they waiting for. If a manager needs supply for a project he or she can jump on a computer and check for the nearest store that carries the supply or the needed materials. If no store carries the items they can order online and have it ship to his or her door within days. Now with cellphones having internet companies and people can make orders in hands and check on the order from their hands. When companies make an order they now can go online and track the package to see when it will arrive. The advancement in internet technology has made it easier to send, gather, share and been access the information. With the computer came the internet and out of the internet came out the social networks; such as link in, Facebook, tweeter and MySpace. With the rise of social networks companies and people can be post on the internet information, stats and company process. With social networks companies can post news or a job positions they need. Social network has made it easier to look for good workers and find jobs. Thanks to the internet life and work has been made easier. Managers can check, do paper work or see on their work process, employees even when they are vacations, their job can be done faster, more time and money efficiently. Companies can be in contact with their employees at any time of the day. With email their customers and employees can receive news about upcoming events or how work process is coming along. SMART CELL PHONES/ GPS Since the first cell phones well more like a brick phone came out, cell phones now smart phone have evolve faster with each year. Today cell phones come with videos, cameras, gps and Internet its like a mini computer. Cell phone are now smart phones since they can go online, use power points or excel and if in need of direction just push the GSP app. Yet many companies have no cell phones in the work place police, but all employees carry their phones in their pocket. Yet mangers and top CEO’s have benefit more on cell phones, with a click of bottoms a call can be made from any place in the world where there is single of course. Smart Phones have had a great impact on Project Management, besides the basic phone call and texting. The benefits are great; you can read and sent e-mails. Like that you can keep your customers updated and your working team. They have organizers and reminders. They help you keep organized with its built-in PDA. You can accomplish a lot and be on track. It gives you access to the internet so you can never be behind with information but will keep you ahead of everybody else. A lot of smart phones provide you with maps, in case you are lost somewhere. As well as traffic information, that can help you a lot with customers and important business meetings in case you are running late or you have a choice of taking a different route. It helps you keep your workers on track. Photo and video cameras are excellent for inspections and damaged material or machinery. A smart phone has a head a great impact on Project Management. GPS (Global Positioning System) The impact of GPS (Global Positioning System) Tracking on Project Management is crucial. The ability to track employees with GPS can save companies thousands of dollars each year. Increasing a mobile worker’s productivity can have a huge positive impact on a company’s bottom line. GPS started as a simple way to locate employees quickly. Now many new applications have been added to further increase employee productivity and reduce expenses for companies. GPS offers many ways to help companies: Efficiently manage your fleet. Stay in close contact with drivers and intelligently dispatch them based on their exact location, reducing delivery times and allowing drivers to complete more deliveries in less time. Improve visibility. Know where your mobile workers and customer shipments are with near real-time updates on a Web-based map. Control costs. Track drivers miles to ensure they are paid accurately. Save money on fuel and maintenance by minimizing out-of-route miles, and know where your fleet is and what they are doing. * Track drive times. Ensure compliance with Hours of Service (HOS) regulations by tracking drivers duty status with wireless timesheets. * Reduce mileage. Get dynamic, turn-by-turn voice and onscreen directions and as while as optimize routing based on load. * Improve customer service. Accurately pinpoint fleet location and estimate arrival times. And with the efficiencies gained, you can provide customers with faster service. Also it is possible to provide call ahead service as the employee gets closer to the deliver or service job. * Control costs. Ensure workers are paid accurately and save money on fuel by reducing mileage. How does GSP work? Many of today’s cell phones/PDA has GPS built into the units. These units pick up signals for GPS satellites and can accurately pin point the device location within a few feet. Combined with this mapping software and the device now become a full mapping and routing device. This alone can save mobile works precise time by not getting lost and getting to job sites or customer appointments quicker. This data can also be easily uploaded to a database so that employers can instantly locate their employees at all times. GPS is important for: Safety – locate an employee who has been in an accident, hurt, ill, need immediate medical attention or is in some type danger. * Better customer service so you can tell a customer how close your employee is to their location. * Ability to better route employees to the next job. * Record number of miles employees has driven. * Know when a vehicle is due from service call. * Employees being more efficient with their time . GPS is also used for more accurately reporting employee time: start/stop times, lunch and breaks can all be tracked automatically with just a few pushes of the buttons on the phones. Reports tell you not only what time the employee â€Å"logged† in to work, but where they were when they started working. * Sign in and out of work job at actual job site, reducing travel time from headquarter location * Timesheet applications * More efficient way to get employees started on their day Many companies have discovered that using GPS to track their company vehicles and employees is a useful tool for saving time and money. Here are 10 companies that use GPS’s to track their employees. 1. Trucking  Ã¢â‚¬â€œ Large trucking companies have tracking devices installed on all their vehicles to monitor them at all times. This helps ensure that deliveries are made on time and that their drivers are using the most efficient routes. They can also determine if their drivers are staying within the speed limits. 2. Law enforcement  Ã¢â‚¬â€œ It’s critical for law enforcement to know where their vehicles and personnel are at all times. When a crime is called in, they know instantly who is in closest proximity so they can be dispatched more quickly. GPS tracking is often used to file reports and conduct investigations. 3. Construction  Ã¢â‚¬â€œ Many construction companies have numerous company vehicles used by their employees. They need to know that their vehicles are used for company business and not for personal uses. They also want to make sure their employees are where they’re supposed to be when they’re on the job. 4. Taxi service  Ã¢â‚¬â€œ Dispatchers for taxi companies use GPS to know where their vehicles are so they can get the most efficient use of them. The time and miles between fares is greatly reduced and also keeps their drivers honest. 5. Utilities  Ã¢â‚¬â€œ Companies that have field service workers like telecommunications and power companies also use GPS tracking on their vehicles. This makes it easier to keep track of their workers, especially those who have large service areas. 6. Fleet owners  Ã¢â‚¬â€œ Any company that has a large fleet of vehicles, such as plumbers and electricians, need to track them on a regular basis. They have a lot of money invested in their fleet and want to make sure employees aren’t misusing their equipment. 7. Sales  Ã¢â‚¬â€œ Businesses with field sales professionals use GPS to get driving directions and implement last minute itinerary changes. This saves time and increases productivity of their sales staff. . Delivery service  Ã¢â‚¬â€œ Any business that delivers anything from flowers to packages needs to use GPS tracking to improve efficiency. Drivers no longer need to rely on incorrect or vague directions to make deliveries and owners know where their employees and vehicles are at all times. 9. Transit  Ã¢â‚¬â€œ Whether its airplanes, buses or trains, transit companies rely on GPS to make sure they are on schedule. They also have automated systems that announce upcoming stops and inform passengers of the vehicles route number and destination. 10. Limousines  Ã¢â‚¬â€œ Even the hospitality industry has found the value of using GPS for tracking their limousine services. This improves customer service and ensures navigable routes for their oversized vehicles. Employees of these companies have expressed privacy concerns about these tracking devices, but most are unwarranted. Businesses have every right to protect their assets and prohibit employee fraud and abuse. The cost of the GPS tracking system is far outweighed by savings to the company. Employees must be informed of the tracking policies up front and know they will be held accountable for any misconduct. GPS tracking gives employers a useful and cost effective tool to manage their fleets and workers efficiently and effectively. Interview In my sit-down with General Manger Phil of the Embassy Suites I learn the back side of the hotel. I ask one question to Mr. Phi Conclusion Finally all of these tools in technology have been a great impact for project managers as well as in every business need. Managers have learned to rely on these components. This has made their professional and personal life so well organized and planned-out. With this say and done their accomplishments will be successful! No other place but the work force has technology furnish. Work place use technology so well and so much employees and employers don’t notice. In the last tens technology has change and evolve we conduct business, from the way we commutate with each other ordering supplies, sending messages and transportations. Annotated Bibliography †¢Website McGrath, Jane. HowStuffWorks How Has Technology Changed the Way We Conduct Business? HowStuffWorks Communication Web. 01 Nov. 2011. ;lt;http://communication. howstuffworks. com/technology-changed-business. htm;gt;. Technology affects every aspect of our everyday lives. We are able to order supplies, send mail, and make a call in a matter of minutes just looking around we can see how connected we are with each other. Thanks to the Internet, anything can be delivered to house door in days. With advances in communication and information technology has changed the business and the way we commute with each other. Cnn, Jason White. Wireless Technology Changing Work and Play CNN. Featured Articles from CNN. 18 Oct. 2005. Web. 08 Nov. 2011. ;lt;http://articles. cnn. com/2005-10-17/tech/wireless. verview_1_wireless-devices-wireless-connectivity-cell-phone? With new cell phone and email technology people can be reach and contacted at any given time. Teachers can be reach by emails text or cells by students. Bradley, Charlie. HowStuffWorks How Has Technology Changed the Way We Conduct Business? HowStuffWorks Communication 13 Feb. 2007. Web. 01 Nov. 2011. ;lt;http://communication. howstuffworks. com/tec hnology-changed-business. htm;gt;. Technology advancement is happening on a daily basis, we are finding that these changes are impacting on almost everything we do in today world. Technology has also had a Huge impact on the way we work for our money in today’s workforce. Technological improvements in computers, such as using the Internet to make money, commutation, send letters has helped to change the work force. †¢Books Barnes, Juanita M. Patent Technology: Transfer and Industrial Competition. New York: Nova Science, 2007. Print. With the new technology advancement companies make new and money save choices. The US Technologies advancement is crucial and important to the economy and its growth. Showing how close they are to each other.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Communication Unit Essay Example for Free

Communication Unit Essay To build relationships – by smiling, waving or simply saying hello when building a relationship with a new child, new member of staff or new parents settling into our setting. †¢Maintaining relationships – by simply saying hello or goodbye to people and children in our setting is maintaining a relationship which involves a lot of our language and communication use. To gain and share information – which helps us in the way we work. Information we gain and share not only comes from the children but from the parents, families, colleagues and other professionals. †¢To gain reassurance and acknowledgement – by giving children praise, physical reassurance, making eye contact or showing interest in what activity they are doing as well as providing colleagues with reassurance and acknowledgment in sharing new ideas and information. To express needs and feelings – this includes colleagues, parents and children as we need to be able to express our needs and feelings in order for needs to be met and for the effective running of the setting. †¢To share ideas and thoughts – this includes colleagues, parents and children such as creative ideas and thoughts. (A. C 2) It is important to establish good relationships with children, parent, colleagues and other professionals to ensure the effective running of our setting which allows for us to plan and meet their individual needs. Those with good communication skills such as body language, facial expressions and ways in which others listen and talk to you, will have strong relationships with parents, colleagues, children and other professionals. Some ways that communication affects relationships are: †¢Sharing and gaining information – as we need to be able to share and gain information to help the effective running of the setting which may include information on how the child is feeling, what interests them, any information to do with their health and welfare such as any allergies, or conditions i. . asthma, learning needs i. e. referrals to speech and language therapist. †¢Settling in – as children would feel uncomfortable settling in until they are comfortable with us which means that finding ways to communicate with the child is important to start building a relationship with them which will help settle them. It is not only the child who may find it hard but their parents also so it is important to find ways to communicate with the parents to build a relationship where they have total confidence and trust in us to care for their child. Supporting children’s play and learning – this depends on the quality of the relationship between adult and child as children play and learn more effectively when they are relaxed and comfortable with those around them. They will also benefit from playing and learning activities with adults through good communication which can allow adults to help them learn new vocabulary, develop different concepts and express ideas. †¢As children get older they will move between different setting s s uch as from day nursery to nursery school which means they will be around different carers during a day. This can be made easier if all adults involved share a good relationship which allows them to communicate easily. †¢Effective teams – as we often work with other professionals it is important for us to work well together and build strong professional relationships as the quality of relationships with other professionals can be enhanced or threatened depending on how we speak to them, react to their ideas or suggestions and the tone in which we speak to them. It is important to have a good relationship as if the relationship has broken down then the quality of service for children and their families is likely to be less effective. Outcome 2: Be able to meet the communication and language needs, wishes and preferences of individuals (A. C 1) This will be seen in observation. (A. C 2) There are a number of factors that early years workers need to consider in promoting effective communication with others as it is essential to consider different communication methods which are the right communication style, although most of our communication is based on face to face interactions there are certain factors we need to consider when using this communication style such as: Environment which is important to think about the location as in a busy and loud environment it is hard to communicate and have a conversation such as for parents and young people we may choose a quiet place whereas with toddlers and young children we need to provide a welcoming and friendly place. Proximity, orientation and posture which helps us to be sensitive towards other peoples needs such as children who we may have a strong positive relationship with may feel better having us close to them but with children who we do not know this might scare or push them away which also requires us o be observe when communicating. Also how to position your body when communicating as to not be so direct when standing right in front of a child or adult as this makes it uneasy to break eye contact which could make the encounter uncomfortable where standing at a slight angle allows it to be less direct and at ease to break off eye contact, although it is not only how you position your body but o n posture also whether standing or sitting as you do not want to seem bored by maybe being slouched down. It is important to think about what signals we give out. Listening skills which is also known as active listening which requires not only listening but observing body language, gestures, facial expressions and other signals that are being sent out by the child or adult. By giving your full attention to the other person is not just listening to what they are saying but on how they say it which is important when encouraging young children’s speech and dealing with parents. Time it is important to not rush communication as children and adults need time to think of how to respond and what they would like to communicate in conversation. A. C 3) This will be seen in observation. (A. C 4) This will be seen in observation. Outcome 3: Be able to overcome barriers to communication (A. C 1) Communication is based on sharing and is important to remember when promoting effective communication is that not everyone shares the same views and experiences such as childhoods, culture, family background or linguistic knowledge. Therefore we can not be sure that our own personal styles of communication will be effective. A number of factors that can affect people’s communication are: Culture and family background affects the way in which people communicate as in some cultures eye contact is interpreted differently and is not essential in the way they communicate as well as family background as each family is different and share their own ways of communicating together such as children who hear bad language at home and repeat it not realising or a child who hears more than one language at home. Some children may come from a loud and confident family whereas another may come from a shy and timid family which affects the way they communicate in childhood and in adulthood. Personality can affect the way in which children and adults communicate as early on we can see children who are more daring and outgoing yet they may not have developed language. Identifying and observing a person’s personality is important to communication as a child or adult may seem not interested or bored where it is actually they do not like to speak in groups or to people they do not know. Literacy which involves reading and writing as some may have developed these to a higher level whereas others may find them difficult for different reasons such as learning difficulties or language barriers. ICT knowledge which involves sending and receiving emails, having internet phone conversations or accessing and uploading photos or video clips. Although some people may share them same difficulties they may have with literacy and may or may not prefer this type. Confidence and self-esteem are the main factors in the kinds and styles in which people communicate which could lead on from previous experiences they have encountered such as a child was made fun of because they said or spelt a word wrong so in later life they avoid spelling and writing, where a child who listens may become a confident adult who will share their opinions and views. A. C 2) Some potential barriers to effective communication are: Information the sender may want to send but have language difficulties and is unable to express themselves in spoken or written forms. They may also not understand others needs. ( Encoding as the sender may send out an inappropriate method of communication such as a written formal le tter rather than a verbal conversation. The sender could also may have difficulty in choosing appropriate words or use an inappropriate tone of voice. The sender may write illegibly or have language difficulties and are unable to express themselves. ( Transfer such as emails may not be received, post may go missing, background noise may interfere, verbal or written messages sent through children may not come across fully, voice mail may not be listened to by recipient or verbal messages sent by an adult may not come across fully. ( Reception as people suffer from hearing difficulties they may not realise that the communication was meant for them or a person with a visual impairment may not be able to see facial expressions. Gestures or written messages clearly. ( Decoding the recipient may not understand or hear the message correctly because of language difficulties, may not have the time or experience to fully understand the intended message, their past experiences influence how they receive and interpret messages, the relationship between sender and recipient may influence communication whether the sender is someone the recipient does not know or the recipient may be distracted and not listen fully to the message. ( Feedback may not be seen which means the sender may not realise that there are difficulties in their method of communication, they may not show any facial expressions or may interpret the recipient reaction wrong. ( Response may not be sent back and the message has not been received or fully understood or the sender may respond negatively as method of communication is misunderstood or unclear. (A. C 3) This will be seen in observation. (A. C 4) This will be seen in observation. (A. C 5) There will be a time when extra support may be needed to share effective communication with a child or adult and to meet their needs which include: Speech and Language Services which we may need the support of such as speech and language therapists who help us find was of communicating with children and young people. They would also provide us with support, guidance and suggestions of resources we can use to help aid us in communicating with children and young people such as the picture exchange communication system (PECS) or provide training in visual systems like makaton. Speech and language therapists work closely with infants, children and adults who have various levels of speech, language and communication problems. They would also work with people who have swallowing difficulties. They would assess the clients needs before developing individual treatment programmes which would enable the client to improve as much as possible involving families, carers and teachers. Speech and language therapists usually work as part of a multidisciplinary team with other health professionals such as doctors, occupational therapists, psychologists and physiotherapists and may also liaise with professionals in education and social services. Speech and language therapists job responsibilities include: †¢ identifying children’s development †¢ Identifying their speech and communication difficulties/disorders †¢ Assess and treat swallowing and communication difficulties caused by congenital problems like cleft palate or acquired disorders from a stroke or injury †¢ Devise, implement and revise treatment programmes †¢ Monitor and evaluating clients progress Advocacy Services as part of the united nations convention on the rights of the child we are obliged to share information with children and young people on matters that are important to them. The child would then be assigned an advocate who’s job role is to put forward the child’s best interests and to relay to others the feelings and needs of the child or young person. Advocates are particularly essential for children and young people who are in local authority care or for children and young people with communication difficulties. One type of childrens advocate represents or gives voice to an individual or group whose concerns and interests are not being heard. A child advocate will try to prevent children from being harmed and may try to obtain justice for those who have already been injured in some way. A child advocate may also seek to ensure that children have access to positive influences or services which will benefit their lives such as education, child care and proper parenting. Another form of child advocacy happens at the policy level and aims at changing the policies of governments or even trans national policies. These advocates do lobbying, policy research, file lawsuits and engage in other types of policy change techniques. Outcome 4: Be able to apply principles and practices relating to confidentiality (A. C 1) Confidentiality is data protection and is about respecting people‘s right to privacy and keeping information safe which they have provided and not share with other people or pass on personal information about the families and children you are working with, except when it is in a child’s best interest to do so e. g. here are concerns about a child’s welfare as they are showing signs of abuse so I would approach my boss or manager about it but not discuss it with anyone else unless it concerns them or if a parent has asked for the contact details of another child’s family where I could not give that information as I do not have consent to give it out nor do I have access to such information. Otherwise as a main rule it is essential to consider all gained inf ormation as confidential. Most settings have a confidentiality policy to help ensure that this applied which all employees MUST read and apply to their work. Congeniality is very important when working with children and young people that there is a legislation that covers all the stored information. That legislation is Data Protection Act 1998. The Data Protection Act 1998 covers both electronic records and paper based records. It strictly regulates the keeping of records, passing of information and the storing of data. The act was created to protect people’s confidential and personal information from being shared without consent. Any work settings that collect and store information about children, young people and their families must register with the Data Protection Commission and anyone who has access to any of the information must follow the acts principles. All information stored must also be up to date and access secured. (A. C 2) This will be seen in observation. (A. C 3) When working in early years settings parent and children have a right to confidentiality although there may be some times when the need to maintain confidentiality will be breached if disclosing concerns such as if there are concerns about a child’s welfare e. g. abuse. Where abuse of a child or young person is suspected all settings should have a designated person/s to deal with child protection issues. If you have concerns that a child is being abused it is our job to disclose this information to the designated person of the setting unless you think by disclosing the information will put the child/young person in further danger which can be very hard to work out so having colleagues to discuss this will help you come to a quick and more accurate conclusion. This can become very difficult if you feel that there is a child or young person abuse issue and the designated person thinks that there isn’t. I think if you have a doubt then it is better to be safe than sorry and maybe monitor the child gathering more information but if the child is in significant danger then report it to the safeguarding board immediately. Parents will have had a copy of the child protection policy which states that information regarding every child will be disclosed if it is deemed that any child is in significant harm or danger which gives us the right to report any kind of abuse to the safeguarding board without the parents, carers or guardians permission. However it is important to follow the right steps whilst reporting a case of abuse or a suspected case, we need to gather the correct information such as if a child or young person discloses information to you do not promise to keep a secret because we will have to disclose the information given and this will make the child think that they cannot trust that person anymore as they trusted you in the first place to disclose the information. Also a main feature of sexual abuse is that the abuser asks the child to keep this a secret between them. Breaching confidentiality is very serious and most settings have a procedure in which you should follow in the case that breaching confidentiality arises. Information should be passed quickly and directly to the person in charge of dealing with such concerns although confidentiality is still upheld so that other staff, parents, etc do not know anything about the concerns UNLESS they do need to know.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Optimization of Distillation Column Experiment

Optimization of Distillation Column Experiment Optimization of distillation column in terms of energy consumption and CO2 emission Sina Radfar[1]* * Department of Chemical Engineering, Isfahan University of Technology, Isfahan 84156-83111, Iran Abstract The distillation is one of the energy consuming process in worlds process industry. Therefore, there must be approach for optimal use of energy and reduction of harmful gas emission such as CO2. The Aspen Plus Column Targeting Tool (CTT) options in a simulation environment can help reduce the use of energy and hence CO2 emissions. Also, the Aspen Plus Carbon Tracking (CT) together with the Global Warming Potential (GWP) options can quantify the reduction in CO2 emission. The CTT is based on the practical near minimum thermodynamic condition approximation and uses thermal and hydraulic analyses of distillation columns to identify the objects for possible column modifications. By using the CO2 emission factor data source and fuel type, the CT estimates the total CO2 emission and net carbon fee/tax on the use of a utility. In this study, by using these Aspen plus options and also using energy efficient distillation column, namely HIDiC, the way for optimization of energy consumption and CO2 emission expressed and the results compared with conventional distillation column namely RADFRAC. Finally, it was concluded that despite lower energy consumption in HIDiC, the rate of CO2 emission is twice the conventional column. Keywords: Energy-efficient Distillation column, Column targeting tool, Column grand composite curves, Carbon tracking, Global warming potential. Distillation is the most widely used industrial separation technology and distillation units consume a significant part of the total heating energy in the worlds process industry. The U.S. Department of Energy estimates that 40,000 distillation columns are presently in operation in the United States and consumes 4.8 quadrillion BTUs of energy 40% of the processing energy used in refining and continuous chemical processes [1] [2]. Although distillation is by far the most widely applied separation technology, its major drawback is the inevitable reduce of energy due to the temperature difference between the reboiler and condenser; which leads to a low overall thermodynamic efficiency of a distillation column, e.g., below 10% [3]. Therefore, improving the energy efficiency of this unit operation is important to achieving energy savings of plant. Aspen Plus Column Targeting Tool (CTT) is based on the Practical Near-Minimum Thermodynamic Condition (PNMTC) approximation representing a pra ctical and close to reversible operation [4]. It uses thermal and hydraulic analyses of distillation columns to identify the objects for possible column modifications in: 1) stage feed location, 2) reflux ratio, 3) feed conditioning, and 4) side condensing and/or reboiling. These modifications can reduce the utility usage and improve energy efficiency. The Column Targeting Tool (CTT) option can help reduce the use of energy, while the Carbon Tracking (CT) and Global Warming Potential (GWP) options can help quantify the reduction in CO2 emission in a simulation environment. Sustainability has environmental, economic, and social dimensions and requires the responsible use of resources such as energy and reduction in CO2 emission [5]. In this study, the energy and CO2 emission as the pollutant are used as the sustainability metrics in distillation column operations. This study demonstrates how to reduce and quantify the energy consumption and CO2 emissions by using the commercial software, Aspen Plus. 2.1. Column targeting tool A practical near-minimum thermodynamic condition purposes a reversible column operation at minimum reflux with appropriate heat integration and hence negligible entropy production. To achieve this, heaters and coolers with appropriate duties must be operate at each stage; so that the   minimum reflux ratio would be result, and hence the operating line approaches the equilibrium curve. This would correspond to the distribution of reboiling and condensing loads throughout the column, and hence over the temperature range of the operation. The Aspen Plus column targeting tool for thermal analysis and hydraulic analysis is helpful in identifying the objects for appropriate modifications in order to reduce utility and capital costs by improving thermodynamic driving forces, improve energy efficiency, and decrease column bottlenecking. The column-targeting tool of Aspen Plus produces the enthalpy and the exergy loss profiles based on the practical near-minimum thermodynamic condition . The enthalpy estimations take into account the thermodynamic losses due to column design and operating conditions, such as pressure drop, multiple feed and side products, as well as side heat exchangers. The pinch point in distillation requires that there should be no side reboiling below the pinch and no side condensing above the pinch in heat-integrated columns [6]. The CTT can be activated by using the related option on the Analysis / Analysis Options sheets, as shown in Figure 1. Figure 1: Analysis / Analysis Options to activate the Column Targeting Tools (CTT). Results of the column targeting analysis depend strongly on the selection of light key and heavy key components in Targeting Options (Figure 2) [7]. Figure 2:   Analysis / Targeting Options with key component specification. Before designating light key and heavy key components for the column (refer to Table 1), the user runs the simulation and considers the column split-fractions, composition profiles, and component K-values displayed by the Plot Wizard. In case of multiple light and heavy key, if there is more than one light key component, the heaviest of them is selected as the light key; similarly, if there is more than one heavy key component, the lightest of them is selected as the heavy key. In the default method for this study, key components are selected based on the component K-values. The CTT has a built-in capability to select light and heavy key components for each stage of the column [4] [7]. Table 1: Selection of key components within the Targeting Options. Method Use When User defined Allows you to specify the light key and heavy key components. Based on component split fractions This method is best for sharp or near-sharp splits fractions in product streams. Based on component K-values This method is best for sloppy splits. Based on column composition profiles In principle, this method is similar to the K-value based method. It is best suited for sloppy splits and it is, in general, inferior to the K-value based method. 2.2. Column Grand Composite Curve To analyze the energy-saving potential of distillation columns, it is common to form the temperature-enthalpy and stage-enthalpy curves, called column grand composite curves. Column grand composite curves (CGCC) are based on the practical near-minimum thermodynamic condition approximation proposed by Dhole and Linnhoff [8] [9], and show the theoretical minimum heating and cooling duties within the temperature range. The stage-enthalpy calculations take into account losses or inefficiencies caused by the actual column design, such as pressure drops, multiple side products, etc. Column grand composite curves display the net enthalpies for the actual and ideal operations at each stage, and the cold and hot utility requirements. Therefore, the area between the actual and the ideal operations in a column grand composite curve should be small for a thermodynamically efficient operation. Column grand composite curves are formed by solving the mass and energy balances for a reversible column operation. Simulation packages such as Aspen Plus are making column grand composite curves readily available even for multicomponent, complex distillation column operations such as crude oil distillation. These simulators enable the process engineer to assess the performance of an existing operation and explore the possibility of reducing utility costs by improving efficiency in energy usage. Column grand composite curves can identify targets for restructuring and modification, and may be helpful in suggesting retrofits. Some of the retrofits consist of feed conditioning (preheating or precooling), feed splitting, reflux adjustments, and adding side condensers and reboilers. These retrofits purpose a practical near-minimum thermodynamic loss [6]. 2.3. Thermal analyses Thermal analysis ability is useful in identifying design objects for enhancements in energy consumption and efficiency [8] [10] [11]. In this ability, the reboiling and condensing loads are distributed over the temperature range of operation of the column. The thermal analysis of CTT produces Column Grand Composite Curves and Exergy Lost Profiles. The user makes changes to column specifications until the profiles look right based on the column targeting methodology. The CGCCs are displayed as the stage-enthalpy (S-H) or temperature-enthalpy (T-H) profiles. They represent the theoretical minimum heating and cooling requirements over the stage or temperature range of separation. This approximation takes into account the inefficiencies introduced through column design and operation, such as pressure drops, multiple side-products, and side strippers. Using the equilibrium compositions of light (L) and heavy (H) key components obtained from a converged simulation, we estimate the minimum vapor and liquid flow rates leaving the same stage with the same temperatures from the following mass balances: (1) (2) where and are the equilibrium mole fractions of liquid and vapor streams, and the minimum amounts of the liquid and vapor streams, and the distillate. The enthalpies for the minimum vapor and liquid flows are obtained from the molar flow ratios (3) (4) where and are the molar flows of equilibrium, and the enthalpies of equilibrium vapor and liquid streams leaving the same stage, respectively. From the enthalpy balances at each stage, the net enthalpy deficits are obtained   Ãƒâ€šÃ‚  Ãƒâ€šÃ‚   (before the feed stage) (5)   Ãƒâ€šÃ‚  Ãƒâ€šÃ‚   (after the feed stage) (6) After adding the individual stage-enthalpy deficits to the condenser duty, the enthalpy values are cascaded, and plotted in column grand composite curves. This is called the top-down calculation procedure, which will be the same as the bottom-up calculations for a stage without any feed. At the feed stage, mass and energy balances differ from a stage without feed, and finite changes of composition and temperature disturb the reversible operation. For the two procedures to yield similar results, the enthalpy deficit at the feed stage becomes (7) The values of and may be obtained from an adiabatic flash for a single phase feed, or from the constant relative volatility estimated with the converged compositions at the feed stage and feed quality. This procedure can be reformulated for multiple feeds and side products as well as different key components. A pinch point near the feed stage occurs for nearly all binary ideal mixtures. However, for nonideal multicomponent systems, the pinch point exists in rectifyingand stripping sections. A horizontal distance between the column grand composite curve pinch point and the vertical axis represents excess heat, and therefore the scope for reduction in reflux ratio. For smaller reflux ratios, the column grand composite curve will move toward the vertical axis, and hence reduce the reboiler and condenser duties, which may be estimated by (8) where is the heat of vaporization. The horizontal distance of the column grand composite curve from the temperature axis determines the targets for installing a side reboiler or side condenser at suitable temperatures (or stages). On the other hand, a sharp change in the enthalpy represents inappropriate feed conditioning, such as poor feed quality or nonoptimal temperature. For example, a sharp change on the reboiler side may be due to a subcooled feed, and a feed preheater can be installed. Feed conditioning is usually preferred to side condensing or reboiling, since the side heat exchangers are effective at suitable temperature levels only. Exergy () is defined the maximum amount of work that may be performed theoretically by bringing a resource into equilibrium with its surrounding through a reversible process. (9) where and are the enthalpy and entropy, respectively, and is the reference temperature, which is usually assumed as the environmental temperature of 298.15 K. A part of accessible work potential is always lost in any real process. Exergy losses represent inefficient use of available energy due to irreversibility, and should be reduced by suitable modifications [8]. Exergy balance for a steady state system is (10) where is the shaft work. As the exergy loss increases, the net heat duty has to increase to enable the column to achieve a required separation. Consequently, smaller exergy loss means less waste energy. The exergy profiles are plotted as stage-exergy loss or temperature-exergy loss. In general, the exergy loss profiles can be used as a tool to examine the degradation of accessible work due to [7] [8]: Momentum loss (pressure driving force) Thermal loss (temperature driving force) Chemical potential loss (mass transfer driving force) 2.4. Hydraulic analysis Hydraulic analysis helps identify the allowable limit for vapor flooding on the Tray Rating Design/ Pressure drop or Pack Rating Design/Pressure drop sheets. Tray or packing rating information for the entire column is necessary to activate the hydraulic analysis. In addition, allowable flooding factors (as fraction of total flooding) for flooding limit calculations can be specified. The default values are 85% for the vapor flooding limit and 50% for the liquid flooding limit. The liquid flooding limit specification is available only if the downcomer geometry is specified. The allowable limit for liquid flooding (due to downcomer backup) can be specified on the Tray Rating/Downcomers sheet [7]. The hydraulic analysis ability helps understand how the vapor and liquid flow rates in a column compare with the minimum (corresponding to the PNMTC) and maximum (corresponding to flooding) limits. For packed and tray columns, jet flooding controls the calculation of vapor flooding limits. For tray columns, parameters such as downcomer backup control the liquid flooding limits. Hydraulic analysis produces plots for flow rates versus stage and can be used to identify and eliminate column bottlenecks [7]. Graphical and tabular profiles (Figure 3 and Figure 4) help identifying targets and analysis for possible modifications by the user. The Plot Wizard (Figure 4) produces various plots including the types: Thermal analysis: The CGCC (T-H) Temperature versus Enthalpy Thermal analysis: The CGCC (S-H) Stage versus Enthalpy Exergy loss profiles: Stage versus Exergy loss or Temperature versus Exergy loss Hydraulics analysis: Thermodynamic Ideal Minimum Flow, Hydraulic Maximum Flow, Actual Flow Figure 3: Tabular profile for hydraulic analysis.   Ãƒâ€šÃ‚  Ãƒâ€šÃ‚  Ãƒâ€šÃ‚  Ãƒâ€šÃ‚   Figure 4: Plot Wizard displays several plots as a part of Analysis and Column Targeting Tool. 2.5. Heat-Integrated Distillation Column (HIDiC) As distillation is one of the most energy-intensive units in chemical process industries, many efforts have been focused on the development of distillation systems and distillation equipment in order to improve its energy efficiency. Many complex distillation configurations have been studied and proposed to improve the energy efficiency. For example, the dividing-wall distillation column or the Petlyuk column is a complex distillation scheme which has been successfully commercialized after several decades of research. More recently, another distillation scheme called the internally heat-integrated distillation column (HIDiC) has received extensive attention. Unlike the Petlyuk column, the key idea of the HIDiC leading to considerable energy savings is the combination of direct vapor recompression scheme (VRC) and the heat integration between two diabatic sections. The diabatic section is a column section which allows heat transfer to enter or leave its stages. Its purpose is to distribute exergy loss from the main condenser or reboiler to all stages in the section, hence reducing the main utility load and the overall exergy loss of the section. If two diabatic sections with opposite directions of heat transfer are integrated, the energy requirement along both sections can then be saved. As shown in Figure 5a, the rectifying and the stripping sections are separated by the feed tray. Instead of having heat rejection only through the main condenser and heat supply through the main reboiler, the total heat rejection is distributed along the rectifying section, while the stripping section absorbs this amount of heat with similar distribution along the column. A compressor and a throttling valve are used to manipulate the pressure difference between both column sections. The rectifying pressure must be sufficiently high to provide a positive temperature driving force between both sections for feasible heat transfer along the columns. This internal heat integration between column sections can be achieved using a heat transfer equipment such as heat pipes at any stage location. The design without any thermal utility (as in Figure 5a) is called the ideal HIDiC. This scheme requires only electricity or mechanical power for compressor. However, a trim-condenser and/or trim-reboiler may be installed at the top of the rectifying and/or the bottom of the stripping sections, respectively, to enhance the process operational flexibility. The general HIDiC scheme with any trim-condenser and/o r trim-reboiler is known as the internally heat-integrated distillation column (Figure 5b) [12]. Figure 5: The ideal HIDiC (a) and the internally heat-integrated distillation column (b). 2.6. Sustainability metrics 2.6.1. Potential environmental impact This study quantifies the sustainability metrics of potential environmental impacts, which is the emissions per unit mass of product and carbon tax, by using the Aspen Plus options of (1) Carbon Tracking (CT) and (2) Global Warming Potential (GWP). Carbon tracking: In each utility block, carbon tracking allows the calculation of CO2 emissions after specifying CO2 emission factor data source and ultimate fuel source from built-in data. The CO2 emission factor data source can be from European Commission decision of 2007/589/EC or United States Environmental Protection Agency Rule of E9-5711 [13] [14]. This source can also be directly specified by the user. In this example, CO2 emission factor data source is US-EPA-Rule-E9-5711 and the fuel source is natural gas as seen in (Figure 6). The utilities used in the column include cooling water and steam. The Results Summary / Operating Costs / Utility Cost Summary sheet displays the total heating and cooling duties as well as their costs. The rate and cost of CO2 emission results would be available within the Results Summary / CO2 Emissions. Figure 6: Utilities / U-2 / Input / Carbon Tracking / Calculate CO2 emissions. Global warming potential: Aspen Plus reports greenhouse gas emissions in terms of CO2 equivalents of Global Warming Potential (GWP). CO2 is one of the greenhouse gases that cause around 20% of GWP. To use this feature one can create a property set. Prop-Set properties report the carbon equivalents of streams based on data from three popular standards for reporting such emissions: 1) the IPCCs 2nd (SAR), 2) 4th (AR4) Assessment Reports, and 3) the U.S. EPAs (CO2E-US) proposed rules from 2009 (Table 2) [13] [14]. Prop-Set properties are reported in stream reports after selected: Report Options / Streams / Property sets. The Setup / Calculation Options / Calculations sheet activates the standards for Global Warming Potential as well as Carbon fee/tax which set as USEPA (2009) and 5 $/lb, respectively. The Results sheet of each Utility block displays the CO2 equivalents emitted by this utility in each unit operation block where it is used. Table 2: Standards for reporting CO2 emissions. Standards for reporting CO2 emissions Prop-Set properties corresponding to each standard IPCC SAR (1995) CO2E-SAR IPCC AR4 (2007) CO2E-AR4 USEPA (2009) CO2E-US 2.6.2. Energy intensity This study calculates the sustainability metrics Energy intensity as nonrenewable energy per unit mass of products by using the Aspen plus Column Targeting Tool abilities of Thermal Analysis and Hydraulic Analysis. 2.7. Methods for optimization 2.7.1. Modifying the feed stage location In Aspen Plus, the condenser is the first stage, while the reboiler is the last stage. The S-H plots of CGCC can identify distortions because of inappropriate feed placements. The distortions become apparent as significant projections at the feed location called the pinch point due to a need for extra local reflux to compensate for inappropriate feed placement. A correctly introduced feed removes the distortions and reduces the condenser and reboiler duties. If a feed is introduced too high up in the column, a sharp enthalpy change occurs on the condenser side on the S-H CGCC plot; the feed stage should be moved down the column. If a feed is introduced too low in the column, a sharp enthalpy change occurs on the reboiler side on the S-H CGCC; the feed stage should be moved up the column [10]. 2.7.2. Modifying the reflux ratio The horizontal gap between the T-H CGGC pinch point and the ordinate represents the excess heat, and therefore, the scope for a reduction in reflux ratio [7]. As the reflux ratio is reduced, the CGCC will move towards the ordinate and hence reduce both the reboiler and condenser duties. However, to preserve the separation, the number of stages must increase. 2.7.3. Feed conditioning The need for an adjustment of feed quality can be identified from sharp enthalpy changes on the S-H or T-H CGCC plots. If a feed is excessively sub-cooled, the T-H CGCC plot will show a sharp enthalpy changes on the reboiler side, and extent of this change determines the approximate feed heating duty required. If a feed is excessively over-heated, the T-H CGCC plot will show a sharp enthalpy changes on the condenser side, and extent of this change determines the approximate feed cooling duty required. Changes in the heat duty of pre-heaters or pre-coolers will lead to similar duty changes in the column reboiler or condenser loads, respectively. 2.7.4. Side condensing or side reboiling Feed conditioning is usually preferred to side condensing or side reboiling. Side condensing or side reboiling is external modification at a convenient temperature level. The scope for side condensing or side reboiling can be identified from the area below and/or above the CGCC pinch point (area between the ideal and actual enthalpy profiles). This area could be reduced by integrating side condensing and/or reboiling on an appropriate stage [15]. If a significant area exists above the pinch, a side reboiler can be placed at a convenient temperature level. This allows heat supply to the column using a low-cost hot utility, hence lowering the overall operating costs. If a significant area exists below the pinch, a side condenser can be placed at a convenient temperature level. This allows heat removal from the column more effectively and by a cheaper cold utility, hence lowering the overall operating costs. Use of side condensing or reboiling cause increasing of a condenser and reboiler duties, an increase of CO2 emission, and an increase of costs (due to installing heat exchanger). Therefore, should be careful of using this. By using maintained above methods, CGCC plots achieved. Referring to these plots, optimal condition is where ideal and actual plots are overlapping (for S-H and V-S plots) or minimum exergy loss is obtaining (for S-E plot). Therefore, modifying conditions (such as feed stage location, reflux ratio, feed conditioning, and side condensing/reboiling duty) continued until overlapping or minimizing achieved. In the following, schematic of simulations and input data along with their results are coming. Figure 7: Simulation of HIDiC configuration.